Masteron 200


Product Name: Masteron 200mg/ml
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Drostanolone Enanthate
Package: 10 ampoules (200 mg/ml)

SKU: 715 Category:


Masteron 200 from Dragon Pharma in Spain

Masteron 200 (Drostanolone Enanthate) is one of the safest steroids available for sale in our store. The manufacturer of this medicine is Dragon Pharma. The medicine allows you to quickly get a beautiful sculpted body and improve the overall appearance of the muscles. Additional effects include reduced body fat and increased endurance performance. 

The effects of Drostanolone Enanthate

Drostanolone is rapidly excreted from the body. Therefore, it can be used in preparation training before major competitions. The product has a mild androgenic and moderate anabolic effect on the body. At the same time, there is no aromatization effect.

Drostanolone Enanthate is characterized by the ability to build strength without the need to increase muscle mass. Due to this property, it is often used in areas unrelated to strength training. For example, in athletics. Increasing strength without increasing total body weight is very important in contact sports. This provides benefits and improves physical condition. Drostanolone is used by many professional athletes during training.

Currently, the sports nutrition and medicine market is growing at an active rate. For this reason, a large number of counterfeits and low-quality products can be found. It is necessary to buy these medicines with special care. By buying Masteron and other medicines from us, you can be sure of their quality.

The main advantage of Drostanolone Enanthate is that its effect appears very quickly. Already in the first week of use, you can see the results.This is how the medicine works:

  • Stimulates muscle growth.
  • Leaves muscles firm and strong.
  • Easily create muscle definition.
  • Increases strength and endurance.
  • Reduces the volume of fat cells.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body.

The Drostanolone Enanthate composition provides a reduction in aromatization processes. The proportion of estradiol in the body is markedly reduced.

How to use Masteron injections

The peculiarity of Drostanolone Enanthate is that it can be used by almost everyone. It is suitable for beginners in the sport and even women can easily enjoy its effects. It shows greater efficiency regardless of physical condition and training experience.

Cycle length can be up to 2.5 months. The weekly dose is 200-500mg. For women, the dosage should be lower, no more than 100mg per week. If you only need to dry a bit, then a 50mg dose should be used. This will eliminate the risk of masculinization processes.

The period of elimination from the body is very short. Therefore, injections should be performed 3 times a week. Beginners can get by on a 200mg dose, with two injections.

Drostanolone can also be used as a TPC after stronger anabolic drugs. It allows to neutralize the withdrawal of medicines and makes their effect longer.

This steroid can be used effectively with other similar medicines. Let's say a combination with testosterone can significantly increase muscle gain.


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