Stan-Max (Stanozolol 10mg)


Product Name: Stan-Max 10mg
Manufacturer: Maxtreme Pharma
Substance: Stanozolol
Package: 10mg (100 pills)

SKU: 524 Category:


Stan-Max from Maxtreme Pharma in Spain

Stan-Max is a high-quality oral steroid developed by the pharmaceutical company Maxtreme Pharma. The main component of the product is Stanozolol, a well-known anabolic steroid with a fairly low level of androgenic activity. This steroid is an indispensable part of doping for athletes, power lifters and bodybuilders. With its unique capabilities, Stanozolol, which is priced quite low, is considered one of the most demanded medicines in sports pharmacology markets around the world.

The Effects of Stanozolol

Today this anabolic steroid is used in sports to improve the quality of muscle mass, increase strength results, increase endurance and speed of the athlete. In medicine, it is used to improve the appetite of patients, and to quickly restore health after operations and burns, previously it was actively used for anemia and hereditary angioedema.

As many athletes often wonder if Winstrol can gain weight, the answer is no. This is not a medicine to gain mass, and should not be insured in this regard.

  • Accelerate muscle recovery after hard workouts
  • Significantly increases energy
  • fat burning
  • Increases appetite
  • Dries the muscles well, removes excess water from the body
  • Normalizes nitrogen balance
  • Accumulates calcium, strengthens the bone system

Structurally, Stanozolol cannot convert to estrogen. Therefore, there is no need to take medicines that suppress estrogen receptors while taking gynecomastia will not affect even athletes who are prone to it.

How to use Winstrol pills

For men, the recommended dose is 50-100mg every other day or daily. Injectable Winstrol has a short half-life of 9-24 hours, therefore the substance needs to be injected frequently. The cycle length is 5 to 6 weeks.

A solo Winstrol cycle must be accompanied or "closed" by testosterone or gonadotropin stimulants, due to their ability to reduce endogenous testosterone synthesis.

For maximum effect, it is recommended to take the medicine with other steroids that make up dry mass such as: Masteron, Anavar, Trenbolone and Boldenone.


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